The best way to bring a sustainable change in the world around me is by bringing the change in myself
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Design for vegetable garden.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Wow great little book on pest control.
Op shop have wonderful books, one I found recently was how to control, trap and rid pests from your home and garden. No not with the old spray can of Mortien or Doom, but environmentally healthy. Tiny Game Hunting By Hilary Dole Klein & Adrian M Wenner has been adaptedfor Australia by John Dengate, he used to feature regularly on Burke's Backyard and on ABC Radio. Not sure if it's still in print but it a very clever book.
I would like to share some of the recipes from this book with you.
Garlic Chilli Spray
1 x garlic bulb (not clove)
1 x tablespoon chili powder
1 ltr water
Take garlic bulb and chop well. Add chili powder and water. Let steep overnight. Strain and spray. Good for aphids and spider mites.
I might even start growing cabbages again, something I haven't been successful at because of aphids. Normally pull them out way before they developed properly. Just can't be bothered.
Other recipes that look good: Wormwood Spray, turnip & parsnip spray, Tomato Leaf Spray.
Look out for this wonderful little book.
All this is great but it would be better if we did not even need to use these sprays either. Nature should be allowed to do it's own thing, creat an eco system that is so well balanced. It's a jungle out there bugs eating bugs, spiders casting their nets wide for a feed, birds catching a earthworms, with a flick of his tong, frogs can enjoy a tasty morcile. What a food chain.
Tomato Leaf spray
Tomato leaves have insecticial properties, Which can be explained by the fact they are related to the tobacco plant and to deadly nightshade.
2 cups of tomato leaves and stems
1 lt water
Chop plant parts coarsely and process in a blender with 2 cups of water. Let mess stand overnight. Strain and add 2 more cups of water, then spray on your plants.Excellant for aphids.
Onion Juice Spray
3 Onions
4 cups water
Take onions and cut in quaters, cover them with the water in a blender or food processor. Grind as fine as possible, strain, and spray. Good for aphids, mites, flea beetles, slaters and pill bugs.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Healthy meals using leftovers and crunchies for the cookiejar
Individual Pies (pastry makes 2 pies)
First the pastry: 1 cup flour 1/2 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoon Bicard powder 4 Tablespoons Margarine
cold water
Using the rub in method ... add marg to sifted dry ingredients
add a little cold water to make a stiff dough.
Roll out the pastry thinly, cover the pie dish, cut of excess pastry. Fill pastry with your favorite left overs. rollout remaining dough and cut tops, cover and press edges together. a quick brush with egg and milk mix. But my version is to pipe some mash potatoes ontop and sprinkle with cheese. Bake in the oven in a hot oven(200) until golden.
Pie fillings: Chicken and veggies
Diced onions, carrots, peas, chunky potato pieces, shredded chicken breast.(cooked) add a thin seasoned gravy. Add curry or chillies just to warm it up a bit if desired.
Mushroom and Beef
Saute Slice mushrooms, garlic and diced onions
Add cubed beef (cooked) and add 1/2 pkt stroganoff mix
(Knorr,Continental or MaCornick) a little sourcream or gravy
Ham and cheese (great for brunch)
Saute diced onoin, add diced bacon or ham steak
Grate some tasty cheese and add a little chopped parsley
Add a egg to the mix to bind ingredients and season well
Fill pie with mix, crake another whole egg on top, add more grated cheese on top
Serve pies with a salad or homemade chips.
Leftover Tart ... Is great as you can vary ingredients as you have available
9 slices of bread cut into cubes 1 diced onion
500 ml cold milk a little parsley
250 gr leftover meat (anything) chopped up 1 ml mustard
200 gr tasty cheese grated 50 gr melted marg.
6 eggs beaten
Preheat oven 180/200 Spray baking dish with non stick spray. Soak bread in milk, add remaining ingredients, mix and pour into baking dish. Bake for 30 mins or until golden. Serve with a salad.
250gr margarine 1 cup coconut
2 cups rolled oats 1 cup sugar
1 Tablespoon syrup 1 teaspoon Bicard
1 cup flour
Melt sugar, syrup and butter in a large saucepan on med heat. Add bicard (will froth up) remove from heat, mix dry ingredients into the syrup, mix well. Press mix into a sprayed Baking Tray. Bake in moderate oven until golden. Cut into squares and let cool before removing them. Store in an airtight container.
Crunchies were a regular as my kids were growing up. Next time I have a nice apple roll to post
Thanks for visiting.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Create a bird sanctuary in your backyard.
Beautiful waterlillies on our pond.
Food is another basic need and we us gardeners can help by planting the correct plants to attract birds. Banksias, Grevillias and Bottlebrushes are good to consider when selecting plants from the nursery. Ask your nursery person for other species suitable to attract not only birds but also bees to your garden. If you want to attract a wide variety of birds to your garden you need to cater for seed eaters, fruit and meat eaters. A feeding table with diced fruit, a hanging bird seed holder or just by planting a few shrubs will help.
Our native birds love nesting in old hollow trees but if you don't have any, you could attach a few wooden boxes or hollow logs in your trees. That's not to say they will use them this season. We have a lovely old apple box tree where atleast 5 pairs of Australian wood ducks are nesting atm. We also have a pair of tawny frogmouth owls that visit at night and sleep cuddling up to each other. You just need to know where to look for them. Our very tame resident Magpie loves
digging for worm and bugs, following you when you working in the garden.
This is a bearded dragon sitting on an old fence post.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Making my own Beef Jerky or Biltong as we call it.
"My Pickle Mix"
a packet of Rock Salt 250gr
Cource ground Black Pepper to taste
Crushed Coliander Seeds, +-100gr pop them in a jiffybag, let the air out and seal, crush them using a bottle as a roller.
BBQ or Steak spice to taste.
Premix these ingredients into a large glass bottle or airtight container and use as needed.
Sprinkle a little mix into a container, start by neatly arranging a layer of meat strips, sprinkle mix lightly over meat, next layer of meat, more mix ...... cover with plastic wrap or a lid. Becareful not to overdo the mix because it could be to salty. Place in a very cool area or in the fridge for 24 hrs. Tip container over, making sure the meat is socked in the excess salty mix liquid, store for 6 hrs. Now I would thread the wire s's at one end and hang the strips up in the meat safe. Place the electric fan infront of the meat and let it blow the meat dry. Ready for slicing in 5/7 days
This is our version of an old fashioned meatsafe we built for this purpose, which houses my Jelly mould collection or old tins when not in use.
Under each shelf there are 3 rods to hang the meat up. Fly screen on 3 sides to keep the bugs out ( remember this is Australia and we have more than our fair share of flies) And then My warning system "Bells on a rope" for the Human wanting to raid it. Old news paper on the shelves to sock up any juices from the meat,( easy to dispose of)
Jerky is best keep in the paperbag or airtight container with some paper towel wrapped around it, in a cool spot. Our's don't make it long enough to worry about storage to much. Enjoy.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Shelter from the rain and cold wind
My boys did a wonderful job with the shelter and after a slap of green paint it looks great. A heap of fresh bedding to keep lambs warm, and we set. Been reading up about lambs last night and Ineed to go past the local produce store for some spray on iodine and karo for the water. This should all start happening in the weeks.
Nelson the Ram. He the cause of all this fuss!
17th June: Yesterday the local shearer stopped by to drench, vaccinate, shave bums and faces and trim hooves. It's 5 star treatment at our place. He had a little feel and yep, we going to be grandmothers. Gave Sue (co-owner) a call and she was delighted about the good news.