The trouble with simple living is that, though it can be joyful, rich, and creative, it isn't simple. ~Doris Janzen Longacre
The best way to bring a sustainable change in the world around me is by bringing the change in myself
The best way to bring a sustainable change in the world around me is by bringing the change in myself
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Beautiful Morning ....
Woke to this beautiful morning, heavy with dew, the wet grass much longer than what we are used to keeping it. Grabbed my dressing gown and slipped my feet into my blue plastic garden crocs with camera inhand set off to take these lovely shots just for you
Monday, April 16, 2012
Once again the grandkids spent the Easter Break with us in Sydney (did I mention that before) it's been a peacefull holiday, not to much running around here and every where. Had my friend Carelene and her 9 yr old grandson visit for a few days from Brisbane ... that was lovely. We did the easter egg hunt even if the boys were a little to old for it, who cares they had fun. Went to the Luddenham fair for a few rides which was never enough according to the kids Our landlords daughter Mia went with ... she's always here over the holidays when the boys come to visit.
Until I noticed those little read spots on Master Cobi, yip the Chicken Pox, so off to the Doctor to confirm, who gave him a script for antihistomine. (reminder to myself to get a few bottles of the medical stockpile, one child has allergies as is so could be handy) urgent calls to one of the father's to change the plane booking for the following week back to Brisbane, as if this plane tickets weren't dear enough, they charge somemore to change the flights. Then contact everyone they were incontact with over the holidays. Luke got to go to the movies to see The Lorax which i thought had a good lesson for everyone, never to cut down all the trees take only what you need ... my ratings 6/10. Luke returned to Brisbane on Saturday as planned. Don't worry Cobi will get to go aswell as soon as he's over the Pox:))In the meantime I am hearing a lot of "I am bored Grandma"
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
A little chocolate ...
Don't these cupcakes look so yummy, I can't take credit for this idea cause why ... during a little blog hopping yestrday I saw this on someone's blog and thought what a grea idea, only now I can't for the life of me think which blog it could be. I have named them 3 way chocolate cup cakes. All I did was make a packet of chocolate cake mix according to the instructions on the bag, and bake them. Next made a little bit of chocolate icing and spread that over the cupcakes when the cooled down. Then added a few broken bits of easter eggs on top of the icing.
Looks very yummy
A good tip for cupcakes baked in a paper cupcake holder/wrapper. Place them inside a 12 hole muffin/cupcake baking tray then spoon in the cake mix.
Happy baking
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
From Sydney to Brisbane and back in 4 days ...

One of the few hidden treasures of the veggie boxes, a nice sized butternut.
and a few more on the way

A quick trip to pick up the grandkids up for the easter break, might send them back by plane, so much easier. It was a good trip they amused themselves with packaging, elastic bands and singing along to the radio.

The cat was ever so good on this road trip, all the way from Sydney to Brisbane and back. She got to have a little leg stretch every evening and was so eager to explore the cottage.

A bed of pineapple salvia, rub and leave and the smell your fingers ...

What a great spot for a rest, timeout to listen to the rugby broadcast on the radio.

Arrangement made in a hurry with a few Zinnias, rose geranium and pineapple salvia.
Then back to Sydney after doing a bit of brushcutting around the cottage and a strip away from the fencing, making the grass cutting so much easier for the next visit.
See ya all next time
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