The trouble with simple living is that, though it can be joyful, rich, and creative, it isn't simple. ~Doris Janzen Longacre

The best way to bring a sustainable change in the world around me is by bringing the change in myself

Saturday, December 15, 2012

General catching up news ... Angel

Another week gone by without a post, not good! anyway I am back, been very busy with George and his medical stuff. We have been to see the eye doctor twice in the last 2 weeks for treatment, just another round of ongoing injections and lazer, all to combat this wonderful desease called Diabetese. Without this treatment he would have been blind by now. Going blind is just not an option for George right now. We had a visit to the Clinic thrown in there somewhere as well. His insulin doze has been upted as well. Offically he is on leave from the 14th which was yesterday for 6 weeks, that would be the longest holiday ever for him but as usual he is working on something, meaning our trip up to the farm will start later. we were due to leave today but now he has a few urgent things he needs to attend too.
Now we will be leaving in the morning for a quick trip, off load and head straight back to Sydney. Actually I am not complaining about that at all cause now I get to take more stuff up. This trip will be all the 6x9kg LPG gas bottles, a lovely old cast iron garden setting some of his wood working machines, another box of medical supplies, a tube of art and school supplies for the secret stash and a box of reference books. George will question me on that ... why the books? ... I just know it. He's lucky I am not aking the book case as well, I would if there was space trust me. Every corner of the cottage has got something stashed away, it's going to be quite a shock to him when I need to unpack so he can lay the carpet in the bedroom. But then If only the cupboards were built it could all have a home, well that's my excuse and I am sticking to it.
Another batch of butternut is dying in the dehydrator ATM and just to proof cats are useful. This is Angel, she turned out to be a boy on closer inspection, a stray arrived here with his bags packed and not leaving. It took a while for all the other cats to accept him and for him to get comfortable with us. Angel is the kind of cat that does not liked to be picked up unless you hold his back legs up close, even then his tail is smacking from side to side. This could be the reason he was dumped. Not to crash hot on strange kids either.
I am sure you agree Angel was doing a great job guarding the butternuts! Until nexttime Rina


  1. He does seem to be a happy fellow to have a home now. Have a safe trip. Merry Christmas!
