Well she's only doing what a goat does naturally she going to jump into the veggie beds and eating the peas and anything that looks tasty. What are we going to do?
Only one solution and that is forget about planting right now until we can fence around the patch. The to do list is getting longer, she needs a house and yard of her own, free browsing and sleeping in the bathroom is not good enough anymore. The sheep are not very welcoming and she can't live with the chooks, the dogs might love her to death ... Husband keeps saying she needs to go outside but she was to little. We still bottlefeeding her, but have noticed she is starting to like the pony mix that I messed by the feed bins. So now I mess a little everyday, adding a few sheep pellets and dried carrot peels in a little bucket for her. She is about 7 weeks old now. A home for Daisy will be next weeks project.
Well we off to the farm for the weekend, 2 vehicles both with trailers, "the big sandstone run", my latest EBay purchase 6 pallets of rocks. Sometimes think I got rocks in my head carting them that far but they were cheap and great for landscaping the garden. I do like a nice garden We only have shale and round river rock our way and if you bought rock there, you would be paying heaps more. Hmmmmmm good excuse.
Until nexttime