Miss Daisy resting on the solar panels.
Funny how sometimes you just not sure what to blog about, like you just hit a wall, but then something happens that is good or fun and you just want to share. My Grandson Cobi from Brisbane is visiting for the holidays ... ah 7 year olds can keep you on your toes ... Aunty Tanya took his shopping for new sneakers and a few things. Entertainment was a visit to the movies and lunch.Saturday a few neighbours got together for a Bonfire evening, a few spare ribs and sausages very bbqed on the coles and potatoes in tinfoil cooked in the hot coals, served with a little butter. A glass of red in hand and a bottle tucked under the arm. The kids all roasted marshmellows and had a ball. Yesterday we were baking cupcakes with Mia from next door helping.
Monday ... Today is a cold and grey miserable day in Sydney, I put on a pot of soup, added all the left overs from the weekend and some more, it's good trust me. And while I got to watch over that I made a pot of beef Stew as well. All bits of beef not suitable for making Beef Jerky with get used for a stew or curry. The next batch of Jerky is just hung up in the meat safe to dry. We are baking another batch of cupcakes. Tomorrow we're off to horse riding lessons. Another week of holidays left what shall we get up to next.
Craft project of the week: Scarf for Cobi.
But I do have something for you to think about ... a scrappy wool blankie.
Have you finished a jumper or some other project and had these little bits of wool over you not to sure what to do with. Well thats what I did last thursday going through the baskets and looking for bit of wool and stuff I had started and not finished. Unravelled and joined all the short bits together and rolled into a ball. Exciting???
But It gets better. Find a large crochet hook and a big ball of white wool or choose what ever colour you think matches you scrap best. I never realised I buy a lot of blues, greens, purle and pink.
Using 2 threads at a time ... Crochet (8)chains to form a loop and then make on dc, 1 chain dc 1 chain ... 10 times.
Next row 2. *ch 2 trebles 2 ch 2 treb into one chain hole*, repeat in every second hole ... giving you 5 corners for a hexican.
row3. Crochet a corner as above, *1 chain 1 treb 1 ch 1 treb* between the two corners ...
row 4. continue as above ....
That's the whole pattern it lies flat no wobbly edges.
I think this could be a great blankie to use all your scraps
Tuesday ... We're so excited about our riding lesson, we even went to bed early. Aunty Tanya (also know as the Blond One ... she's not really blond ... it comes in a packet) took Cobi to his lesson with Vicky just down the road from us. He was a little nervous to start with but soon settled down nicely. So next holidays we going to have a few more lessons cause he really really likes it.

Our neighbours took Cobi along to Soccer practice, here he did 3 lapse around the field with the 10yr olds, dribbled and play with them. Totally exhausted!!Some great pics too Tanya.

Saturday ... we were invited to Anzels birthday party, she turned a big 4,so beautiful you could just hug her. Grandpa was crook the whole weekend so he stayed at home. His sugar levels have fallen to low.
Sonday ... Cleaned house cause we got visitors, feed the animals and checked on broody silky but nothing yet. She's sitting on one egg! It's to cold so I really can't see a heap of little chicks atm.I tried moving her with egg to a hatching/rearing cage by herself, but she seems to prefer the small dog kennel with two other chooks.
Tomorrow Cobi is flying back to Brisbane, another holiday gone. Going to miss him XoXoX. Yeh and back to work. Have a great week everyone.
Until nexttime