The best way to bring a sustainable change in the world around me is by bringing the change in myself
Sunday, January 31, 2010

Saturday, January 30, 2010
A few pics around the yard ... feeding time

Thursday, January 28, 2010
Condensed Milk Cookies

Somewhere I got a little booklet that nestle brought out that contains all those great recipes that they have on the labels. I have a lovely apple pie that uses 2 tablespoons of condensed milk, but then I stuck with the rest of the tin. It keeps well when decanted into a little glass container and sealed, then lives in the fridge until next time.

(Oh my I forgot to post this one before I left for the farm Dec. It was heck tick, please forgive me ... or I could just wait for next christmas ... I think you can make them anytime.)
You will need
250 gr Margarine 3/4 cup sugar
1 tin condensed milk 3 1/2 cups flour
1/2 teaspoon vanilla 2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
Cream marg and sugar, add condensed milk, then dry ingredients. Mix well. Roll into small balls (slightly heaped tablespoon fulls) and place on baking tray. Press lightly with a fork to get the lines. Cut cherries into 1/4 's and press 1/4 on top of the cookie. Bake at 180 for 10 mins or light golden.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Daisy's story
Where's my mummy?
What just happened to me ... why have those strange humans snatched me from my mummy? I tried to run away from them, but I could not cause they where so fast. I am frightened and hungry, my tummy is rumbling so loudly. Where are you mummy?
Mummy, I don't like the milk the humans want me to drink. It's not nice and warm like your milk and they so rough with me. I asked them to "Please take me back to my mummy. I miss you.
Where are we going now?
Why have we stopped and who is that new human person?
Hey where are you going without me? Oh no, they leaving me.
She picks me up and cuddles me softly. She warm up some milk for me to drink and talks to me softly. My eyes are so tired maybe I will close them a little.
Mummy, I not scared anymore cause she is kind to me ...
I like her. I going to drink my milk and grow big. Then I will go look for you.
I love you Mummy.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Australia Day

Monday, January 25, 2010
The East Wing is under construction
Sadly Old Fred died without a new suitable replacement for Little Ginger. Isabella (she's italian cause her mom's italian) come to live here cause she was very lonely by herself, she's a white leghorn and she lays big white eggs. Mom got 2 black austrolopes, Henny and Penny cause mom could not think of any better names for them. They lay nice brown eggs.
Harry and the Matildas, there's 2 of them, come to live too so we had to move out to the west wing, it,s a bit cramped there, but we coping so far. When Mom saw those big black orpingtons, she had to bring them home. Now Dads finally building the east wing, he should have it finished by next weekend. Causes there's 7 little black fluffy chicks that need their own space soon. Mom says no more chicks this year and that final.
P.S. Mom promised to show you a picture of our chook barn soon.
Friday, January 22, 2010
What's on my crochet hook atm & opshop finds
Another time I found boxes of very long thick candles, must be wedding candle cause they two in a box, marked at $1.50. Needless to say I bought the lot, all 15 boxes, another find for the secret stash stockpiling box. They going to come in very handy.

Another find was a crochet blanket marked for a doggie blanket. I loved the pattern but was not crazy over the choose of colour, way to loud for me. The pattern was easy to work out and then armed with new wool and a crochet hook, a new project was started. I choose Carnival 8 ply in white and varigated brown/beige/dustypink very pretty! Nothing over the top.
It's slow going but that my project for this year. Just don't have the time
with working fulltime anymore.
But now housework calls and the animals need to be feed. Enjoy your Day. And so ...
Until nexttime
Thursday, January 21, 2010
What to do with overripe bananas
Now for that Banana loaf, I try to double up the recipe as it get eaten so quickly either bake it in two baking tins, or one long baking tin. Muffins trays are good for that lunchbox treat.
You will need: (preheat your oven at 180)
125 gr of marg or butter +-
2 eggs
1 teacup of sugar
1teaspoon of vanilla essence
Cream together in a large bowl.

Add 2 cups of self raising flour
small pinch of salt
Mix 1/3 cup of milk and 1/4 teaspoon of bicard of soda together before adding it to mixture
Peel and squash 1 large overripe banana
with a fork, add to mixture. Mix well.

Pour into baking tray or muffin pans. If your using a baking tray maybe you would like to line it with baking paper, just helps to lift it easier. Baking time +- 30/40 mins test to see if skewer comes out clean. If I unsure I sometimes just turn the oven off and leave it in a little longer.
I don't add a frosting (same as for a carrot cake)but you could.
Sliced with a little butter is good enough.
Enjoy making it.
Until nexttime
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
A womans work is never done
So now there's 2 raised beds waiting for seedlings to go in ... a quick crop of greens maybe. I bought some broad beans, carrots ,beetroot, turnips and pasnips for later in the season. But first I think I should add more mushroom compost to the mix. There's a mushroom farm not to far away and they really cheap $2 a bag. and maybe some rooster boaster as well, off to the nursery as well ... still got a voucher somewhere.
See Ya
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Special Treat for My Boy

Some of the trucks and bikes, with the Boys posing in front. But the smallest car with a Jet engine inside stole the show "Dangerous Dave" was happy to take a pic of the boys infront of his car.
Can you believe a little car can creat this display!
The evening ended with a fireworks display, something not seen in this small coastal town of Taree. Super awusome Grandma!!! ... maybe I just the bestest grandma out atm.
Monday, January 18, 2010
And so the new year begins ...

Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Happy New Year
I am still at Bellbrook for the next few weeks and only plan to go back to Sydney the Australia Day weekend 26th for you lovely folks in USA. George has go back to Sydney on the 3rd so atm it's Cobi and Myself here. We had heaps of rain only 3 days so far has the sun really come out. The sheep are having a ball with all the grass, our only worry is Dingos and dogs but I got a local farmhand to re enforce the fence with dog wire and now I can sleep a little easier. We had a midnight visitor through the only hole left (were the extractor fan used to be) a ringtail possum. I took a few photos but forgot the cord to download the photo's.
What I woun't do for a computer right now, withdrawls!!!!
Until nexttime