And it a boy, Well done Miss lashes and Nelson He a big boy with all the right markings except for the light colour behind the ears. He must have been born after 5 this morning that's when I checked on them. The blond one would have feed them at about 9 am and that's when she called to tell me the good news. Now we need to name him and I going to ask you all for some strong boys names, you wanna play with .... leave a comment with a name and why you chose that name.

This weekend is going to be rather busy, tomorrow Nelson heads off to his new home. We will load him early and drive to Moorland where Terry the juiceman and his ewes will be waiting. I'll take a pic of his girls then you can see what I mean by a real good gened flock of sheep.(Done) I am hoping for 2 ewes in exchange for Nelson for either Rowan or the new ram. Think Rowan is better quality and has nicer marking. It's really to soon to tell. That is going to take the whole day tomorrow. Terry has some cavendish banana suckers for me as promised.
Update: The move went rather well. Nelson announched his arrival with a big Bhur and the girls responded, his top lip lifted to smell them from afar. But first he had to deal with that bunch of wethers that think they king of this mountain. Thats them in the pic above. He was challenge by the biggest wether and did not backdown one bit, just kept coming like a steam train. They circled a few time before the wether change into reverse gear. Well done Nelson, just don't think it's over yet. Nelson then went to meet his ladies .......
And Sonday we invited for a bunny chow lunch. That's an South African Indian meal. Let me tell you it is just the nicest lunch and our host Nick really makes a nice hot curry, served in a 1/4 loaf of bread. A whole piece per serve, filled with curry and tomato and onion sambals on the side, the hollowed out bit of bread is for dunking in the gravy, Yummmmy. Suppose I need to bake them a Banana loaf or something to take with.
I so want to get some Christmas craft done this next week, been stalking all the craft blogs lately and now I got the craft bug again. Seeing I am going to have a little time on my hands for a while. Won't go into it at this stage but promise to tell you all in another post. No I wish I had won the Lotto!
I plan on making a few fabric snow men and finishing some UFO's Oh and something for a give away.
I meet Nick on the internet before he arrived in Australia and offered him accommodation for a few weeks before his wife and two kiddies followed him here. Just a roof and a meal and now we good friends. You can read all about it at my other blog Pay it Forward post. That reminds me Wendy is still waiting for her suprise gift, sorry I total forgot, Please let me have your new addy in Melbourne.
Have a great weekend